About Us
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A little bit about where Dad’s Oats are born…
Natte Yallock
Pop. 188 people (+ thousands of sheep & cows and a few trusty farm dogs)
Natte Yallock is a small regional township located in the Pyrenees Shire, approximately 200 kilometres north-west of Melbourne. This is where Dad’s Oats come from.
The region is characterised by thriving cereal crops, sheep, cattle, friendly farmers and the Pyrenees ranges in the background. Oh and did we mention the cheeky farm dogs? There’s a few of those around too!

"Fairview" where the oats are grown
Our farm “Fairview”
The farm was first settled by our Great Great Grandpa James Cain. One miserable rainy day in the UK, James and his mates decided to pack their bags and head to Oz in search of some sunshine, a greater lifestyle and the riches of the goldfields. They built their own ship (clever hey!) and landed on Aussie shores in 1859. James had a crack at trying to find gold, but alas… it was a tough gig. In need of a career change, he set off with a wheelbarrow, spade, a couple of onions and a bag of oats and stumbled across the fertile soil at Natte Yallock, on the banks of the Avoca River. The oats grew beautifully – you little ripper! This was the place to call home.
Five generations later and the Cain family are still farming the land… Maurice (aka Morry or Dad) & his son Matt and family work tirelessly to champion the best grain crops they can.
There’s no irrigation at Fairview. We just rely on rain drops from the clouds!
Combine this with the striking sunshine across the Pyrenees… and boy do our oat crops thrive!
The soil is rich in all the best Mother Nature has to offer. This ensures that the oats on your plate are supercharged with stacks of vitamins and minerals necessary for your body!
The farm was first settled by our Great Great Grandpa James Cain. One miserable rainy day in the UK, James and his mates decided to pack their bags and head to Oz in search of some sunshine, a greater lifestyle and the riches of the goldfields. They built their own ship (clever hey!) and landed on Aussie shores in 1859. James had a crack at trying to find gold, but alas… it was a tough gig. In need of a career change, he set off with a wheelbarrow, spade, a couple of onions and a bag of oats and stumbled across the fertile soil at Natte Yallock, on the banks of the Avoca River. The oats grew beautifully – you little ripper! This was the place to call home.
Five generations later and the Cain family are still farming the land… Maurice (aka Morry or Dad) & his son Matt and family work tirelessly to champion the best grain crops they can.
There’s no irrigation at Fairview. We just rely on rain drops from the clouds!
Combine this with the striking sunshine across the Pyrenees… and boy do our oat crops thrive!
The soil is rich in all the best Mother Nature has to offer. This ensures that the oats on your plate are supercharged with stacks of vitamins and minerals necessary for your body!

Siblings Pete, Alicia & Matt
Meet the team
Alicia & Pete – The founders of Dad’s Oats.
Our mission is to get the oats that our Dad and brother Matt grow, from our farm to your plate so that you can share in the goodness we love so much!
Maurice (aka Morry or Dad) – Chief Executive Oat-Grower (CEO-G).
Dad has been growing oats for 55 years.
Trust us, he knows his stuff! He also works really hard to make sure he can grow the best product he possibly can.
Thanks Dad!
Matt – Matt is our highly qualified oat growing expert.
With a degree in Agriculture and 10 years’ as an Agronomist (yep that’s a word) he’s the top bloke for the job.
Thanks to Matt, we think the quality of Dad’s Oats have increased 10-fold over the years!
Ruth (aka Mum) - Mum keeps everyone intact.
She is also in charge of recipes.
Mum is the best country cook we know of.
Just ask Dad how good Mum’s Anzac biscuits are!!
Good onya Mum!
Gus & Ozzie – The farm dogs.
They supervise the whole process from the sowing to the selling.
They may be cheeky but we love ‘em to bits!
Brett – Morrie’s favourite farm-hand (don’t tell Gus and Oz).
This guy has taken out ‘employee of the year’, 3 years in a row now.
The farm just wouldn’t operate the same without him!
Kate & Lou – The better halves of Matt and Pete.
They are a not only a spring board for all the business ideas, they also keep the boys on track and things ticking along nicely.
Alicia & Pete – The founders of Dad’s Oats.
Our mission is to get the oats that our Dad and brother Matt grow, from our farm to your plate so that you can share in the goodness we love so much!
Maurice (aka Morry or Dad) – Chief Executive Oat-Grower (CEO-G).
Dad has been growing oats for 55 years.
Trust us, he knows his stuff! He also works really hard to make sure he can grow the best product he possibly can.
Thanks Dad!
Matt – Matt is our highly qualified oat growing expert.
With a degree in Agriculture and 10 years’ as an Agronomist (yep that’s a word) he’s the top bloke for the job.
Thanks to Matt, we think the quality of Dad’s Oats have increased 10-fold over the years!
Ruth (aka Mum) - Mum keeps everyone intact.
She is also in charge of recipes.
Mum is the best country cook we know of.
Just ask Dad how good Mum’s Anzac biscuits are!!
Good onya Mum!
Gus & Ozzie – The farm dogs.
They supervise the whole process from the sowing to the selling.
They may be cheeky but we love ‘em to bits!
Brett – Morrie’s favourite farm-hand (don’t tell Gus and Oz).
This guy has taken out ‘employee of the year’, 3 years in a row now.
The farm just wouldn’t operate the same without him!
Kate & Lou – The better halves of Matt and Pete.
They are a not only a spring board for all the business ideas, they also keep the boys on track and things ticking along nicely.

Innovative Farmer of the Year 2016
Dad’s Oats – We Are Australian!
Not only is our business Australian born and raised, every single grain in our products is grown in Aussie soil.
Some of those nasty pesticides that are used on oats in Asia and other parts of the world are totally forbidden in Australia. Best practices and a great environment to grow them in ensure first class world standards and produce.
Whether you buy Dad’s Oats or not, we always want you to support Australian farmers.
Not only is our business Australian born and raised, every single grain in our products is grown in Aussie soil.
Some of those nasty pesticides that are used on oats in Asia and other parts of the world are totally forbidden in Australia. Best practices and a great environment to grow them in ensure first class world standards and produce.
Whether you buy Dad’s Oats or not, we always want you to support Australian farmers.